Monday, March 12, 2007


Man, I sure have been feeling like shit latey.. I can say that now that I'm kind of.. not.. I seriously walked down 300 something steps on Telegraph Hill yesterday and back up a hundred or so and I honestly haven't stopped bragging to myself since. To a big booty girl, Telegraph Hill is fuckin' Mt Kilamanjaro and I'm not gonna' spell check that because I am that badass. WHAT.

Dude, everybody at the chocolate factory is way fucking smaller than me. I've gained ten pounds in the four months since I started there! /hides/ I'm bigger than I've ever been and for the first time ever I have knee problems. Done. There.. I'm wondering if this is a good time to start a more vegetarian diet which does not include the artichoke dip and corn chips I just knocked over oh what the fuck is that about when you decide to start eating healthier and then you just want cheesy greasy bullshit you didn't even crave before that. Last night in about two minutes I tore through a pack of Twinkies and I don't even fucking like Twinkies.

I don't know.. Right now I think I'm just gonna' keep moving..

Most gorgeous weekend ever in San Francisco so I went Parrot Hunting on Telegraph Hill! I hiked down one set of disappointingly parrot-free steps and made the decision to hike up another and I'll swear to the fact that three parrots laughed at my panting ass while flying over my head to where I had just hiked from.

But I did get laughed at by wild parrots yesterday! So I guess that's a good day.

I took these!

More Filbert St Walk

Cute House!

Top of Filbert St Walk

That's Filbert. Greenwich has pretty red brick steps, but I was too tired to haul out the camera! I'll get better ones next time with the bay view an' stuff. :)

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